OnlineCTR Downloads
Patch Date: June 29 2024, 15:36
Patch Build: 1016
List of Changes
- Weapons have been removed temporarily due to game instability issues.
- Changed character stats. Every class has max acceleration and max speed, turn stat remains unchanged.
- Redesigned reserve bar UI.
- Fixed reserve overflow.
- Events are disabled for the week.

Previous change logs are available on Discord in #change_log

Injects memory into DuckStation to communicate with the XDELTA patch

Optional: Only required if you want to host a local or private server

60 Frames Per Second Patch

30 Frames Per Second Patch (PlayStation standard)

The DuckStation Config (INI) for Online CTR goes into "Documents\DuckStation\gamesettings".

We do not distribute the game image file (we only supply a patch). You must use a dumped image from your original retail disc for OnlineCTR.

NOTE: Your browser and Windows will flag CLIENT.ZIP as a virus. This is because the file contained within the archive (CLIENT.EXE) injects data directly into DuckStation which is an instant red flag for any virus scanner as it manipulates the computers memory. If you are not comfortable executing/running our pre-compiled binaries on your computer, you may compile from the source code directly instead.