OnlineCTR Downloads
Patch Date: 26 November 2024, 19:46
Patch Build: 1021 - Anathallo
List of Changes
This update comes with fixes from the previous update, stability changes, and new features.

• When in the room select screen, press X on a greyed out room to join that room’s wait queue. When the room re-opens, your client will attempt to join that room immediately and notify you with SFX so you can be otherwise occupied while waiting to join. Note that if more clients than can fit in that room attempt to join, only some of them will succeed, and the rest will resume in the room browser as normal.
• Bombs can now be remotely detonated (across the network), and shields can now be shot (across the network).
• Previous issues revolving around client’s observations of the room/player/availability counts in the room selection screen has been fixed.
• Various serverside features aimed at making hosting persistent servers easier.
• Other misc. fixes.

Previous change logs are available on Discord in #change_log

Automatically sets up, configures OnlineCTR and applies updates

We do not distribute the game image file (we only supply a patch). You must use a dumped image from your original retail disc for OnlineCTR. You must also supply your own PlayStation BIOS (preferably an SCPH-7501).

NOTE: Your browser and Windows may flag LAUNCHER.ZIP as a virus. If you are not comfortable executing/running our pre-compiled launcher on your computer, you may compile from the source code directly instead and use the 'Web Patcher' link below to patch the ROM.